Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A few things to pass on before you all come down this weekend:

Dave and Gaby unfortunately will no longer be attending the reunion due to Dave's work schedule with court appearances on both Friday and Monday.

We will be taking a family picture during the reunion. The attire is solid white tops (t-shirts,polos,dress shirts(no wife beaters Jimmy)) with denim bottoms(pants, shorts, skirts, etc).

10 day weather forecast for the beach: highs in mid to upper 70's daytime, upper 60's at night. Ocean breeze can be a little chilly. RECOMMEND BRINGING A SWEATSHIRT/LIGHTWEIGHT JACKET FOR THE EVENINGS.

MEALS: Food for meals through Monday morning will be taken care of. Lasagna/french bread/salad Saturday evening. Pancakes/eggs Sunday breakfast. Sandwiches Sunday lunch. Take and bake pizzas Sunday dinner. Cereal Monday morning. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU PLAN ON EATING DINNER WITH THE FAMILY ON SATURDAY NIGHT SO WE CAN PLAN ACCORDINGLY.

We will have combined meals for dinner each night. Individual families will plan and prepare their own breakfasts and lunches starting Monday through the rest of the week.

Sunday evening we will have a planning meeting for the dinners for the rest of the week. On Monday Paij & I will take whoever wants to go grocery shopping on base to the commissary to purchase meals for the family dinners for the week and individual families grocery purchases.

Saturday: arrive, get settled in, dinner
Sacrament services within 20 minutes of base start at either 11:00 or 1:00.
Sand Castle Competition from 2-4:00. Located about 20 minutes from beach cottages. Very close to LDS meetinghouse with sacrament services at 11:00 and 1:00.
Dinner & get ready for Eowyn's baptism (4-6:00)
Eowyn's baptism (6:30pm, takes about 20-25 minutes to get from base to LDS meetinghouse where baptism will take place)
Cupcakes/refreshments back at the cottages following the baptism.
Massive family birthday spanking for Kylie(yes her birthday falls during the reunion, again)
First thing in the morning I will need to take everyone 16 and older along with the vehicles everyone will be driving to get guest passes for you and your vehicles so you can come on base without Paij or I having to physically escort you on base. PRIOR TO GETTING YOUR GUEST PASSES EITHER PAIJ OR MYSELF WILL NEED TO PHYSICALLY MEET YOU AT THE GATE TO ESCORT YOU ON BASE.
Grocery shopping
Combined family home evening Monday night: We will celebrate June/July family birthdays
Bonfire/smores: We will be having a burn party. If you have not yet heard, MOM & DAD PAID OFF THEIR MORTGAGE LAST WEEK!! After 30 years of paying the mortgage they now own the house out right! To celebrate, Mom & Dad will be burning some of their mortgage documents. We encourage each of you to bring something to burn to celebrate something significant for your families(or even individually). Example: Paij and I plan on burning a diaper to celebrate Morgan getting pottie trained (mostly) this year, and the addition of Jaycee, who of course is NOT pottie trained.

We would also like to have a sand castle building competition at some point, day/time to be worked out.

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